Release: Only the Socialist State of Denmark takes more taxes than Australia

Release: Only the Socialist State of Denmark takes more taxes than Australia

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, the nation’s largest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, today called for immediate structural tax reform in light of new data showing Australia has the second highest total tax grab out of all OECD countries. 

“Something is rotten in the state of Australia. Only Denmark collects more of its revenue from local businesses and individuals than Australia. It’s time Australia took a hard look at its tax code,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. 

“The government collects nearly 25 per cent more of its total federal and state revenue from Australians and their businesses, than the average first world country. Meanwhile, politicians wonder why large employers refuse to set up shop in Australia”

“The Australian government takes from ordinary people to subsidise large foreign corporations. Companies such as Amazon and Netflix can shift operations to other countries to avoid the high and poorly designed tax system. Meanwhile small local businesses must pay for the carrots to entice these companies (their competitors) to come back into the country.”

“The government not only taxes realised profits such as dividends, but also business profits that have been reinvested into the company. This stifles growth during a period of stagnating productivity. Our small business owners, the largest employers in Australia, deserve the chance to expand.”

“A recent Epicenter report showed that many individual Australians spend 54 percent of their paychecks on taxes, meaning the government gets paid more for your work than you do,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “With the slowing economy, politicians need to reassess our tax system and get in line with the rest of the world.”

Brian Marlow