The bad, the worse and the subpar: Our take on the 2022-23 Federal Budget

While some attempt was made to compensate for two years of lockdown-induced economic destruction, there’s no denying Tuesday night’s budget fell flat in a lot of ways.

Our plan going into this budget was to rank the top three positive outcomes and three negative outcomes but sadly, due to reasons beyond our control, the budget sucked. A list of five negatives and one or two positives? Nobody likes asymmetry.

The budget delivered on three areas in particular: HUGE spending, HUGE deficits and HUGE debt. While nuclear power was once again ignored, the Government is eager to pour more than a billion on renewable, including carbon and storage technologies.

Of course, the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance is thrilled to see the fuel excise tax has been cut—albeit temporarily and incompletely. Now drivers will only have to pay 22.1 cents a litre for the privilege of buying fuel (not including GST). It poses the question: If the Liberals understand the benefits of reducing this tax, what logic prevents them from scrapping it altogether?

Our team will continue to fight for taxpayers’, petition governments to drop regressive taxes, dump paternalistic regulations and leave more of your money in your pockets.