Release: Millions of Australians support coal by going to work today

Release: Millions of Australians support coal by going to work today

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, a 75,000+ member grassroots advocacy group representing the nation’s taxpayers, today congratulates the millions of Australians supporting coal today by going to school and to work. 

“The outpouring of support for coal made by the millions of people showing up to work and contributing to the economy, truly warms my heart.” Said ATA Communications Manager, Emilie Dye. “It takes such courage to face another day in the office and to brave that dreaded chemistry lab. These individuals deserve our thanks and admiration.”

ABC news has recognised a highschooler skipping a math test. But I have yet to meet a highschooler that wouldn’t rather walk down a street with friends than take a test. We should recognise the responsible kids that chose to actually study for their math test.”

“By showing up to work millions are showing they care about the economy. Instead of letting the country shut down, people are doing their jobs and contributing to GDP. Going to work is a lot more work than not going to work. Ask anyone with a job; that is a true sign of commitment to the cause.” 

Brian Marlow