Costume ideas to keep you scary and unique this Halloween

Do you pride yourself on your ability to find new and original ways to strike fear in those you meet? Want to go above and beyond this Halloween?! Itching to impress in the scariest costume your friends have ever seen? Read on!

At the ATA, a big part of our job is exposing and fighting some SUPER scary stuff like government waste, high taxes and regulatory overreach; that's why we've decided to share our discoveries in this handy Halloween costume guide.

  1. National digital identity database

    HOT TIP:

    Make sure to store as much personal data from as many people as possible in your costume for a realistic and on-trend SCARY look!

Awesome costume opportunity as the fearsome national digital identity database.

2. Receipt for public servants' business class flights


Make sure to spend at least $3.7 million on domestic flights to really nail the look!

Why not dress to impress and channel your inner bougie? Go as the giant receipt of Australian public servants' business class flights.

3. Money printer


Running out of money? No worries! Just print more!

What’s the point in debating economic policy to improve productivity? Hell, what’s the point in working? Just get the government to print more money! Duh!

4. Strawman argument


Don't bother trying to understand their viewpoint! Just misunderstand it, on purpose!

“Wait, so you’re saying you hate poor people? Why do you hate poor people?!”

5. 20's recession glamour


Enjoy the beginnings of a possible global recession with a throwback to the glamourous 1920's!

Get ready to embrace the utter fabulousness of the roaring 20’s as the glamour of recession looms Gatsby-esquely on the horizon.