Release: ScoMo’s Crackdown on Boycotts Attacks Free Speech

Release: ScoMo’s Crackdown on Boycotts Attacks Free Speech

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, the nation’s largest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, today condemned the Prime Minister’s suggested crackdown on boycotters as such a move would infringe on free speech. 

“Being wrong should not disqualify an individual from speaking their mind,” says ATA Content Co-ordinator, Emilio Garcia, “However distasteful Australians find the extinction rebellion’s tactics, this does not give ScoMo the right to violate Australians’ fundamental right to free speech.”

“Punitive measures against boycotters not only impede the free speech rights of all Australians, they are unnecessary. Only a small minority of Australians hold climate extremist views and a boycott would do little to harm the businesses involved.”

“Taking legal action against extremists glueing themselves to roads, disrupting city centres in Queensland and using dangerous devices to stop rail construction is appropriate. But tweets and Facebook posts put no one in harm’s way.”

“If your strongest opponent lacks the right to speak freely, then neither do you.”

Brian Marlow