OPEN LETTER: Welcome to the jungle, Premier Perrottet

Dear Dominic Perrottet, 

Congratulations on your new title and role as New South Wales’ premier. We at the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance look forward to seeing what you have planned and eagerly await the changes you surely have in store, following Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation. 

As you would understand, the position you’ve found yourself is a powerful one at the best of times. At this point in history, it's a position of pivotal momentum.

In case it isn’t clear, the people of New South Wales are crying out for freedom and you - now wielding the keys to the kingdom - have the keys to the cage. 

Covid-19 restrictions, while often little more than theatrics to appease the media, have done more to stifle life as we know it than to slow the spread of the virus. 

Small businesses, community sports organisations, school children, the arts sector and just about every sector, really, have struggled under the weight of  a heavy-handed approach to pandemic management. 

Government mandates in New South Wales have left the state’s economy in tatters and its people miserable, locked up and in a never-ending cycle of lockdowns as the goal posts continue moving backwards. 

Addressing the state on Tuesday morning, you said you “want New South Wales to bounce back stronger, safer and more successful than ever before. To get back to the life that we love and the freedoms that we hold dear”. 

The Alliance looks forward to seeing you take this opportunity to open up the economy and let the people return to living their lives. 

All the best, 

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance